

The equipment for the forest kindergarten includes a rucksack with a chest strap and rain cover. It should be large enough to hold a breakfast box, a change of clothes, gloves, seat cushions etc. The straps should be wide and well padded so that they do not cut into the child.

A foldable and weatherproof seat cushion is essential.

Folding seat 



For breakfast or a snack in the afternoon, your child needs a breakfast box (preferably made of metal) in which you can put a sandwich and fruit or vegetables. It is best to use lunch boxes that have a separate compartment or container for fruit and vegetables so that the bread doesn't soak.

The drinking bottle or thermos flask should be able to withstand a lot and be as leak-proof as possible so that it does not leak in the bag. However, the children should be able to open or close it on their own.

Drinking  bottle

Rain gear

Your child needs a weatherproof rain jacket so that they can jump through puddles or run in the mud when playing. Your child will also need mud pants. So that little feet don't get wet, a pair of wellies is also part of the basic equipment.

Whether it's a snowball fight or building a snowman: Your child should be dressed especially warmly in the cold season. Simply keep a pair of snow pants, with or without suspenders, and waterproof boots in the nursery for the cold months.

A thicker jacket is also an advantage - in case your little one is colder and has only put on a thinner jacket in the morning.

It's also best to pack gloves, a hat and a scarf or make sure your child takes them with them every day in winter. Especially important: woolen underwear.

Winter clothes


So that your child doesn't get cold feet and can romp around the kindergarten in comfortable shoes, they need slippers. They should be comfortable, non-slip and easy to put on.

Leave a change of clothes for your child in the kindergarten. Whether they spill their food, fall in the mud while playing or are still in diapers, they should have the opportunity to put on clean and dry clothes. Label the items with your child's name


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